Month: November 2020

Arabian Horse: One of the Popular Equine Breeds


Are you looking for one of the horse breeds that dates back to a few thousand years? Then, you can think about adopting an Arabian horse. An amalgamation of great beauty and good nature has made Arabians one of the popular equine breeds over the years. 

Arabian horses have passed on their spirit, smartness, and grace to almost all existing light equine breeds. Besides, Athletic Arabian horses are the ancestors of a number of warmblood and pony breeds. 

Arabian Horse: Colors & Markings

Do you wonder about the coat colors of the Arabian horse? The Arabian Horse Association acknowledges various coat colors of the Arabian horse, such as black, bay, roan, chestnut, and gray. These horses can also exhibit white facial spots and stockings on the legs. 

Moreover, some Arabian horse bloodlines are recognized for their particular appearances. For instance, Crabbet bloodline exhibits white faces and lofty white socks. 

Arabian horses can never be buckskin, dun, palomino, or cremello, as thoroughbreds do not transfer dilutions genes. Pureblood Arabians carry only one spotted pattern, called “Sabino.” It is a kind of white pattern on their coat and skin. 

Breeding & Uses of Arabian Horses 

Breeders bred Arabian horses mostly for their athleticism and tolerance. Even they can bear with adverse conditions. Thanks to their sturdy structures that they exhibit both power and balance. And these reasons have made Arabians a strong contender in around all equestrian sports. 

When it comes to long-distance trail competitions, Arabians come as an ideal choice. These horses can cover long distances throughout difficult terrain during scorching heat. 

Arabians also act as graceful dressage horses and show brilliant performance as compared to any other thoroughbred. Besides, Arabians also show great performance in the show ring. On the other hand, Arabian horses also contribute to pleasure riding. They also work as ranch horses. 

The Arabian horse features black color along with white spots. However, the dark pigmentation of Arabians saves them from the scorching desert sun. 

Arabian Horse: Unique Traits

Arabian horses contribute as ancestors of a lot of present-day horses. Arabians exhibit many unique characteristics that differentiate them from other equine breeds. These horses are recognized for the stretched yet arched necks as well as lofty tail carriage and floating gaits. Due to the size of Arabians, they are easy to ride. Arabian horses are popular for their tolerance and so they are ideal for participating in equestrian sports. 

Diet & Nutrition

Coming to the diet and nutrition of Arabian horses, owners must ensure a healthy balance of six major nutrients for them. It includes carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, water, and minerals. Just like most of the other equine breeds, Arabians consume quality hay, fresh grass, grains, and some vegetables and fruits. 

Arabians’ ancestors originated from deserts, where food used to be insufficient. Hence, Arabians might call for a bit less serving as compared to other breeds of their size for retaining a healthy weight. Owners need to serve an appropriate quantity of food to their horses. However, keeping sufficient nutrition in their food is essential. 

Common Health & Behavior Issues

Arabian horses are susceptible to various genetic disorders with different severities. It includes the following ailments: 

Lavender Foal Syndrome: A foal experiences various neurological difficulties under Lavender Foal Syndrome. This disorder is mostly fatal. 

Severe Combined Immunodeficiency: This disorder makes a foal born without an immune system. It passes away fast by getting attacked by an infection. 

Cerebellar Abiotrophy: It is a fatal neurological disorder most of the time. It troubles coordination as well as balance in affected foals. 


Arabian horses are usually extremely friendly with individuals. However, they also exhibit sensitive and sharp behavior. It is a must to appoint the right handler for Arabians. Otherwise, they could easily learn bad habits from inappropriate handlers. Experienced riders find them easy to handle. 


Arabians call for standard horse grooming to retain healthy skin and coat. They must be brushed daily, especially after the workout session. This activity would spread oils and sweat in its body. Using a detangler is important to maintain the smoothness of their tail and mane. Besides, cleaning their hooves must be a day-to-day activity to find out injuries (if any). 

How to Adopt an Arabian Horse? 

Do you know the average price of an Arabian horse? It starts from $5,000 and the upper limit is $20,000. You need to spend more if an Arabian is originated from a prized pedigree. The Arabian horse is a renowned equine breed. Hence, it is not difficult to find out one at reputed horse breeders or rescuers. Do not forget to ensure that the shortlisted organization is ready to provide you with enough information about the history, health, and nature of the horse. 

More Information about Arabian Horse 

Arabian horses are small as compared to many riding equines. On average, they are of 56 inches to 64 inches with a weight of 800 to 1,000 pounds. Selective breeding has already yielded more sturdy Arabians. However, all horses exhibit the common elegance as well as the appearance of the breed.

Compound Sentence: An In-Depth Guide

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Do you want to know about compound sentences? Then, following the post would give you a proper understanding of this sentence type. For instance, you would get to know about the rules and the creation methods of compound sentences by connecting two or above independent clauses in one sentence. 

In short, compound sentences vary from other types of sentences like simple sentence. However, missing to add the coordinating conjunction (joining element) would convert the sentence into a run-on sentence. Let us proceed to the discussion now. 

Introduction to Compound Sentences

A compound sentence must comprise of a minimum of two independent clauses. A comma (,), coordinating conjunction, or semicolon (;) needs to be present between the two independent clauses. An independent clause must be present with a subject as well as a verb. That means it must convey a complete idea. 

Coordinating conjunctions (known as coordinators as well) are an integral part of the concept of the compound sentence. They are used to join two or more independent clauses, sentences, or words. Moreover, they only coordinate two or above elements with similar syntactic importance. Memorizing all coordinators can be tricky, so you can just memorize “FANBOYS” to remember them all.

F- For

A- And

N- Nor

B- But

O- Or

Y- Yet

S- So 

With a comma, semicolon, or coordinator, a compound sentence becomes a run-on sentence, where independent clauses are joined incorrectly together. 

Let’s take an example:

Meena likes to write poems she does not prefer writing novels. 

Here, the two independent clauses (“Meena likes to write poems” and “she does not prefer writing novels”) are joined improperly. 

However, you can make it a compound sentence by adding a coordinator “but” along with a comma. 

Meena likes to write poems, but she does not prefer writing novels.

What is the coordinator here to join the two independent clauses? 


The coordinator displays a clear connection between the independent clauses. Here, it is about the preference of the subject (“Meena”). Without “but,” the relationship between the two independent clauses won’t be clear. It would also affect the meaning of the sentence:

Meena likes to write poems. She does not prefer writing novels.

Instead of a coordinator, a semicolon (;) can also be used to connect independent clauses. A semicolon appears as a combination of a colon as well as a comma. In case of joining clauses using a semicolon (;) gives the sentence a sudden pause. It offers a different type of effect. Check the following sentence: 

Meena likes to write poems; she does not prefer writing novels.

However, using the coordinating conjunction (“but”) can soften the effect of the second independent clause of the sentence. 

Meena likes to write poems, but she does not prefer writing novels.

How to Form Compound Sentences?

You can join two or more independent clauses of a compound sentence by one of the methods below:

  1. Using A Semicolon:

Nikita prefers cappuccino; Nidhi prefers latte. 

  1. Using A Coordinating Conjunction with A Comma:

Nikita prefers cappuccino, but Nidhi prefers latte. 

  1. Using A Colon:

She knows one thing: she wants to succeed in life. 

It is rather a rare scenario, as the sentence after the colon is often a dependent clause. 

  1. Using A Dash:

I know what your name is – It is written on your bag. 

Compound Sentences & Conjunctive Adverbs

It is also possible to connect independent clauses with conjunctive adverbs, such as “at least,” “however,” “moreover,” etc. However, these conjunctive adverbs must have a semicolon (;) before them and a comma (,) after them in compound sentences.

For example:

They are planning a surprise party for Meena; however, the budget is low. 

The story is magical; in fact, it is hardly believable. 

Wrapping Up

Compound sentences are quite simple to identify. Just remember, a compound sentence would have two or more independent clauses along with a joining element.