Freelance website is an extremely attractive area of work, given the level of earnings and the ability to independently distribute one’s own time. According to recent statistics, earnings in the same field of activity when working on outsourcing, on average, are 20% higher than earnings in the same position in the office. Due to the ability to independently calculate money income and choose a work direction, freelance is slowly becoming the leading direction of work in most post-industrial countries of the world. All that a freelancer needs is a laptop or computer, an Internet connection, and that’s all, he can get started to earn.
Due to such a low entry threshold and the presence of low-skilled work on the web, the number of freelancers is increasing steadily every year. One of the main problems of freelancers is making money, as while working in almost any field of online work, you should invest in your own development as a qualified specialist, and no one has canceled the cost of living. So how to earn more by freelance working? Consider a few useful tips that directly affect earn money in freelance website opportunities
Work on Several Sites Simultaneously
Today, there are a huge number of freelance websites for freelance work on the Internet. Among the best freelance website are Upwork,, Fiverr. Thousands of orders are published daily over there, but the main nuance is that outsource work includes hundreds of specialties and professions. For some programming languages, for example, on one particular job-searching freelance website, there may be only a couple of tasks every day, and the competition level there is very close. That is why one of the most useful steps for a freelance specialist will be to register on a freelance website and have a few additional on mind simultaneously.
First of all, you must accurately indicate your primary qualifications. Even if you will be engaged in a completely different job in the future (for example, you are a web-designer or translator who teaches programming languages), still don’t grab at once for all categories of work on such sites. Just find the appropriate section on the best freelance website and search for tasks specifically respond to your qualifications.
In addition, try to link your profiles on a freelance website using your social network account or mail. Indicate all profiles on the freelance exchange in your Facebook or Linkedin account — thanks to the comprehensive coverage of your activity, you will significantly increase your chances of reaching the best customers, significantly increasing the amount of payment for work.
Try to Send as Many Job Applications as Possible
For achieving an effective result in earn money in freelance website, you need to quickly respond to all new requests from the freelance website. It is very advisable to submit job applications within 15-20 minutes from the date of the task publication. During the work on other freelance websites, it is advisable to constantly monitor the publication of new assignments and submit applications for participation in a timely manner. Fast response significantly increases the likelihood of getting a job.
In an offer you send to a potential customer, you should sell yourself. On most of the freelance websites, the specialist isn’t engaged in active sales but responds to a request to perform a particular task. Be sure to indicate the strengths, working experience and specialization, give a link to your portfolio and in general, show with the whole message that you are ready to complete this task at the highest level of skill.
Consider an important nuance: your messages should be as personalized as possible for the customer and his request. Look for the name of the author of the request in the reviews and include it in the greeting. Leave a minimum of template phrases in your proposal and be sure to add something about the customer’s task, your experience, and ask questions about the assignment. The involvement of an outsource specialist in an open dialogue with the customer from the first minutes of publication fuels the client’s interest in cooperation, which then affects the amount of payment and more liberal conditions for work — this is one of the key freelance making money ideas.
Develop Within Your Specialty and Expand Your Qualification
To increase earnings in any profession, the universalization of specialist skills is required. For the work as a freelancer online, it is the same — which programmer doesn’t know how to set up the framework, and which designer cannot work on projects naming. All applied skills that are popular on freelance website are easy enough to master. You don’t have to choose a completely different work direction. It’s all about qualification diversification — to complete one task requires the ability to work with one application, for another — with another application, and so on.
Almost all modern work tasks relate either to working with various development environments or applications (programming, design) or with certain skills in that area of knowledge that can be mastered in just a month or two. That is why, after a year or two of work on a freelance website, each specialist should be able to handle several types of work at once within the framework of one specialization, and it is desirable that he actively study with another, more promising, creative or interesting qualification.
Optimum — learn how to work with various programs and tools for other specialties. Nowadays, almost everyone can freely use Photoshop, many are familiar with Illustrator and other creative application programs, which, by the way, are actively used to build professional layouts in the work of a web designer. The list of programs in which you know how to work directly increases your earnings.